What I’m Doing Now

📝 Updated March 18th, 2022, from Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

I’ve spent 20 years and 20 days on Earth. ❤️

  • I was never embarrassed to admit that I knew nothing about the kitchen except instant noodles. Yet, I often imagined self-preparing my meal with jazz music in the background, as if I were a movie character. So, I started learning two weeks ago and kept practising it. I spend 3 hours on average at grocery stores and in the kitchen every day. Well, it turns out that I REALLY enjoy it, only if I don’t have to do the kitchen cleaning after the meal. Anyway, check out the pictures of my cooking below!

    20歲之前,除了方便麵,我對廚房一無所知。但我很常想像自己像活在電影一樣,背景播放著爵士樂,然後浪漫地為自己準備食物。於是機緣巧合下我開始探索這個新世界。所幸上手得比想像中快,而且不得不說,我還挺享受買食材和準備食物的過程,就是收拾實在很麻煩······ 滑到下面看看我的成品吧~

  • After listening to the Huberman Lab Podcast and reading The Circadian Code by Satchin Panda, I would like to apply a science-based healthy circadian routine. It includes light exposure, time-restricted eating, and regular exercise, of course. (This is also part of why I started handling my meal.) I tracked my sleep and daily activities, and hopefully, I’m about to hack it. Even a subtle change makes me feel rejuvenating and energizing every day. Highly recommend you guys to check those resources!

    自從聽了 Huberman Lab Podcast 以及閱讀了 Satchin Panda 的 The Circadian Code,我逐步地實踐經科學驗證的健康作息,從飲食、運動、乃至光照開始做調節。我觀察了自己的作息和睡眠情況一段時間,而其中一些微小的改變都大大地提升我的工作表現,整天下來的狀態也越來越健康,強烈推薦各位更了解我們的身體是如何自然地運作的。

  • Two songs in my forthcoming album have been released as singles in the past two months (check them out through the links below). They both surprisingly outperformed all my releases in the past statistically, especially on Spotify, which I could never imagine and is still hard to believe. This moves me a lot, honestly. Talking about the album itself, I’m ready to put it out, mentally but not literally (simply because I haven’t done it). Also, I thought that I’d finished writing the album, yet I found that something was missing. So, both songwriting and post-production are happening now. All in all, stay tuned!

    這兩個月接連發了兩首新專輯中的歌,收穫了很多溫暖和驚喜。尤其在 Spotify 上的表現,是我從未預料到的。而我必須誠實地說,這反過來使我更有動力繼續新專輯的製作。儘管我心理上已經準備好分享我的苦辣酸甜(而且我需要分享,這大概就是創作人的本性),但專輯本身還在生產中。另外,近期感覺這張專輯裡有些話我還沒說完。所以現在一邊做著後製,一邊寫著也想收錄在這張專輯的歌。簡單來說,就是還需要一段時間啦~敬請期待!

  • It’s about time to plan my next foreign slow-travel. Instead of travelling conventionally, I would rather connect deeper to the places I go and not rush around. I intend to do some photo and video shooting for my album. I also plan to record an EP (working with recording studios on my journey has always been my interest!). Although all these plans might be changing in time, I can’t describe how excited I am! Hope everything goes well, and I’ll be updating this NOW page while experiencing life in Melbourne at the end of June.

    前段時間當了一陣子宅男,喜歡窩在家裡的愜意,但我已經開始做功課,準備展開我的異國慢旅行了。比起打卡式的吃喝玩樂,我更期許能給自己一場不慌不忙的慢旅行,享受每個風和日麗,以及每個城市的煙火氣。我也計畫在旅途上完成實體專輯的照片拍攝,搞不好還能用異國美景拍幾隻MV(去都去了~)。更值得興奮是,在旅途中和在地的錄音室的夥伴們合作,錄製一張 EP。所以呢,希望一切順利,六月的墨爾本我來啦!

  • Podcast — Huberman Lab (Discussions About Neuroscience)

    Album I’ve been listening to — Chris Stapleton's Traveller

    Reading — 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

Listen Now: Fortunate Enough; Live with Enthusiasm (My Latest Release)


About NOW Page

“Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.”

Inspired by Derek Sivers, I would love to have a Now page on site and constantly update it.

Differing from Instagram Posts and Facebook Status, this page tells what I am focused on at this point in my life.

Also, this helps remind my priorities and makes me more conscious about what’s going on in my daily life.

If you have your site, I strongly recommend you do so as well.

Even if you don’t, this will also be quite an excellent great column in your journal or social media page.

Feel free to learn more about the thoughts behind NOW Page at nownownow.com/about.