What I'm Doing Now

📝 Updated Oct 30th, 2023, from Grindelwald, Switzerland.

I’ve spent 21 years, 8 months, 6 days on Earth. ❤️

  • 這些文字來自身處歐洲、被阿爾卑斯山環繞的我。我沒料想到會那麼快的就踏足瑞士,乃至歐洲。可就在此刻,我正被這些美景和物價驚艷著。而入境瑞士前,在短短的一個星期,我在倫敦看了一場地道的脫口秀表演、到 His Majesty's Theatre 看了歌劇魅影(也是這部音樂劇首演的場地)、在奧地利薩爾茨堡搶先觀看了 The Eras Tour 的巡演大電影、然後在蘇黎世看了 Joshua Hyslop 的演唱會(我心中歐美樂壇的其中一股清流)。旅行的感悟也許總來自沉澱以後,但我現在最大的感想就是 —— 要是我在歐洲生活,我應該就會餓死在觀眾席上。


    I’m updating this in the middle of my travelling in Europe. I’d never expected it to happen so soon in my life, yet I’m now here in Switzerland being surrounded by the Alps and being amazed by the spectacular views and the cost of living here. I’ve visited the UK and Austria in the past few weeks, and I’m now ready for my coming adventure in Italy (can’t wait for the fooooood there!) My biggest takeaway so far is I might be a starving audience if I ever live in Europe. Within just a week, I’d watched The Eras Tour Movie in a cinema in Salzburg, The Phantom of the Opera in His Majesty’s Theathre, a stand-up comedy in London, and Joshua Hyslop’s live concert in Zurich. Imagine what my night life and my financial status would be if I ever live in these countries!

  • 在出發歐洲之前,我的生活的優先事項一直是把專輯的音樂部分做完 —— 這無時無刻都在影響著我的日程、心情,連睡覺前的一刻都要細數著未完的事項。終於,母帶交付完成了、CD 也正在美國印製中,我也改版了官網的設計,更新了所有關於專輯的最新消息,也發行了打頭陣的單曲《不能喜歡》。反正呢,專輯真的就要來了!別光顧著期待,歡迎到這裡填寫電郵,準備收信咯!

    My one and only focus before departing to Europe is to finalise the music of my debut album. And yeah, it’s been done!! The audio mastering is done, the CD is now printing, my website has been updated, and even the first single has already been released!! So stay tuned and join my private mailing list to receive latest updates from me!

Listen Now: 不能喜歡 (My Latest Release)

↓ My Latest Video ↓


About NOW Page

“Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.”

Inspired by Derek Sivers, I would love to have a Now page on site and constantly update it.

Differing from Instagram Posts and Facebook Status, this page tells what I am focused on at this point in my life.

Also, this helps remind my priorities and makes me more conscious about what’s going on in my daily life.

If you have your site, I strongly recommend you do so as well.

Even if you don’t, this will also be quite an excellent great column in your journal or social media page.

Feel free to learn more about the thoughts behind NOW Page at nownownow.com/about.

📬 Archive 📬

Although this is a NOW page, my nostalgia makes me archive all the previous NOW pages.

I believe that I will be amazed by how far I have been through at some point in the future.

So, here they are.


🚶‍♂️ Jan 09, Johor Bahru

🍳 Mar 18, Johor Bahru

🎻 May 27, Johor Bahru

🧳 July 22, Melbourne

🌊 Aug 29, Tasmania

🏖️ Sep 16, Bali

🎙 Oct 21, Johor Bahru

🛍 Nov 30, Adelaide

📸 Dec 29, Sydney


🚕 Jan 13, Aoraki

🏡 May 21, Muar