What I’m Doing Now

📝 Updated July 22nd, 2022, from Melbourne, Australia.

I’ve spent 20 years, 4 months, 28 days on Earth. ❤️

  • After spending 28 days in Melbourne, my slow-travel in this wonderful city has nearly come to an end. I had a great month back then and have got my travel EP’s first recording session done. There were A LOT of experiences, stories and feelings. And now, I’m on my road trip to Adelaide via THE Great Ocean Road. The view is just stunning and breath-taking, which makes me can’t wait to share all my stories with you guys!

    今早的我剛剛踏上傳說中的大洋路,自駕前往阿德萊德,爲我在墨爾本的第一場深度旅行畫上一個句號。這一個月經歷了太多精采;更多的是紛亂 —— 唯變化是唯一的不變。無論如何,我已經努力將一切記錄起來,爾後把這些故事活成我的氣質,再和每一個你分享。

  • Album I’ve been listening to — Penny Tai’s The Passive Audience

    Reading — The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness

Listen Now: Fortunate Enough; Live with Enthusiasm (My Latest Release)

↓ My Latest Video ↓


About NOW Page

“Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.”

Inspired by Derek Sivers, I would love to have a Now page on site and constantly update it.

Differing from Instagram Posts and Facebook Status, this page tells what I am focused on at this point in my life.

Also, this helps remind my priorities and makes me more conscious about what’s going on in my daily life.

If you have your site, I strongly recommend you do so as well.

Even if you don’t, this will also be quite an excellent great column in your journal or social media page.

Feel free to learn more about the thoughts behind NOW Page at nownownow.com/about.