What I’m Doing Now

📝 Updated October 21st, 2022, from Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

I’ve spent 20 years, 7 months, 28 days on Earth. ❤️

  • Stopping by at Johor Bahru for a couple of weeks, I’ve done more than I expected — Full Album Recording Session, “EP in Mlelbourne“ Mastering Session, organising those footage I’ve got while travelling, and some unwitting commencements of further projects. It’s been a lot, and I do experience some sort of anxious while going through these. Most deleteriously, I sometimes don’t value my own work. Yet I’m fortunate enough to have a small and lovely support circle to share my thoughts with. And now, since I’m going to embark another slow travel, I’m sure there will still be life lessons for me to learn, and I’m ready to embrace all of them.

    快閃回國幾個星期,和預想中的好好休息不一樣,不知覺中完成了很多項任務。大專輯歷時13個月終於殺青了,而跑到墨爾本製作的小 EP 也完成母帶了(準備可以隨時發行的意思),也在不知覺中又展開了很多計畫。當然,在這些當下,不免還是有焦慮、沒底氣、甚至崩潰的瞬間。更致命的是,我時而會看不起自己正在做的事,但我很慶幸還有一小圈親近、愛護我的人可以天南地北。而明天起又要開始往外跑了,我想不管是旅途上或是心理層面上,一定還有很多我要學習的功課,但這次的我已經變得更願意擁抱這些紛亂,這些徬徨。

  • Album I’ve been listening to — Adele’s 21

    Reading — 因為尋找,所以看見:一個人的朝聖之路 by 謝哲青

Listen Now: Fortunate Enough; Live with Enthusiasm (My Latest Release)

↓ My Latest Video ↓


About NOW Page

“Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.”

Inspired by Derek Sivers, I would love to have a Now page on site and constantly update it.

Differing from Instagram Posts and Facebook Status, this page tells what I am focused on at this point in my life.

Also, this helps remind my priorities and makes me more conscious about what’s going on in my daily life.

If you have your site, I strongly recommend you do so as well.

Even if you don’t, this will also be quite an excellent great column in your journal or social media page.

Feel free to learn more about the thoughts behind NOW Page at nownownow.com/about.