What I’m Doing Now
📝 Updated May 27th, 2022, from Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
I’ve spent 20 years, 3 months, 3 days on Earth. ❤️
Hoooooray!! I finally received my visa after six weeks of impatient waiting and I’ll be heading to Melbourne in June! That’ll be my first slow travel abroad since the pandemic. I’m thrilled to be there and bring back tons of photos, footage, and more importantly, experience. Also, I plan to visit a couple of recording studios in Melbourne and finish my special travel EP recording there. To do so, there are still some finishing touches needed to be done in Malaysia, which is why I’ve been busy all the time lately. Also, getting my itinerary well-planned actually takes time. By the way, preparing a 7kg carry-on luggage for somewhere in winter is also a HUUUGE challenge.
經過6個星期漫長的焦急,謝天謝地我的簽證終於下來了!下個月終於要迎來我的第一場深度旅行 —— 墨爾本。這是我許給自己的一場浪漫,當然也少不了許多親愛的成全。但這畢竟是旅居,在那邊其實也少不了工作 —— 完成專輯照的拍攝、發行上的構思,以及最興奮的:和當地的錄音室合作,錄製我的特別版旅遊EP!所以在那之前,手上還有許多需要收尾的準備工作。但儘管如此,我覺得慢旅行更重要的,莫過於用自己的步調與那座城深度地連結、做一回當地人、與這個世界重新接軌,最後再讓這段經歷活成我的歌。而且,要計畫這麼一場浪漫也是耗時而有趣的。我很享受這一切慌亂,也等著細嚼慢嚥所有的感受。順帶一提,要把去過冬的衣物和各種工作必需品塞進7公斤限制的行李箱真的不簡單···
I’ve been striving to accomplish the album production as soon as I can, especially before traveling abroad. Yet, as we all know, chasing time doesn’t make good art. Making an album that I’ll be proud of, is a marathon, not a sprint. The good news is that I just embarked on a collaboration with a boundlessly talented UK-based engineer who makes the whole project smoother even when I’m abroad. Even though, I can foresee that the whole production could only confidently end when I’m back, which will be several months later. Anyway, I’m also excited to work with several photographers in Melbourne and get my album shooting done!
Another highlight of my life lately is that I made a group of crazy new friends. Even how we met itself is crazy enough to be amazed. And what’s crazier and fun is that we decided readily to make a new EP when we’re drinking at 2 am of nobody-cared-someday in April. And it just happens! We’ve almost been through the enthralling songwriting stage, and here comes the challenging part, lengthy production. Therefore, along with my other EP projects (which I plan to do the record abroad), I’m now dealing with demos, arrangements, and scheduling at the same time. I can’t wait to share our stories with you. Stay tuned!
Podcast — Huberman Lab (Discussions About Neuroscience)
Learning — Yale University: Introduction to Psychology with Paul Bloom
Album I’ve been listening to — John Mayer’s Sob Rock
Reading — Think Again by Adam Grant
Listen Now: Fortunate Enough; Live with Enthusiasm (My Latest Release)
↓ My Latest Demo ↓
About NOW Page
“Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.”
Inspired by Derek Sivers, I would love to have a Now page on site and constantly update it.
Differing from Instagram Posts and Facebook Status, this page tells what I am focused on at this point in my life.
Also, this helps remind my priorities and makes me more conscious about what’s going on in my daily life.
If you have your site, I strongly recommend you do so as well.
Even if you don’t, this will also be quite an excellent great column in your journal or social media page.
Feel free to learn more about the thoughts behind NOW Page at nownownow.com/about.