What I’m Doing Now

📝 Updated December 29th, 2022, from Sydney, Australia.

I’ve spent 20 years, 10 months, 5 days on Earth. ❤️

  • What an awesome city! You might not believe this, I’ve been shooting the Sydney Opera House from different views during the golden hour for a week. I also started shooting time-lapse footage on this travel, and I’m now totally in LOVE with it. It’s really challenging to pursue perfection and also carry my tripod around all day, but the outcome is stunningly rewarding. At the same time, it’s the precious moment that I can really enjoy the … in the middle of travelling.looking sunset, playing the guitar and embrace the peaceful time with the locals around me.

    我又出走了。而這次旅途上多了一項活動 —— 延時攝影。儘管自然流暢的成品對於細節的留意度要求很高,以及需要整天背著三腳架走,但成品真的都太夢幻了。而我也確實很享受這樣坐擁晚霞的感覺,放著相機工作,抱著吉他哼著歌,或是看書聊天,和身邊正愜意野餐的當地人一起享受這份平靜。我也很喜歡這座城市,單就悉尼歌劇院,就已經花了好幾天從不同角度方位拍攝。也許是還在蜜月期的關係吧 —— 這顆貝殼可真是什麼時候看都美呢!

  • Album I’ve been listening to — 小霞‘s 小霞2.0

    Reading — The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd

Listen Now: Fortunate Enough; Live with Enthusiasm (My Latest Release)

↓ My Latest Video ↓


About NOW Page

“Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.”

Inspired by Derek Sivers, I would love to have a Now page on site and constantly update it.

Differing from Instagram Posts and Facebook Status, this page tells what I am focused on at this point in my life.

Also, this helps remind my priorities and makes me more conscious about what’s going on in my daily life.

If you have your site, I strongly recommend you do so as well.

Even if you don’t, this will also be quite an excellent great column in your journal or social media page.

Feel free to learn more about the thoughts behind NOW Page at nownownow.com/about.